
Friday, November 22, 2013

Honey Boosts GI Tract Villi Growth without Adverse Effects

Of importance in this study are the effects of not only the intestines but vital organs, as well. Feeding honey vs cane syrup from infancy to adolescence produced no harmful side effects, which is what our elders have always encouraged - honey is good food and good medicine...  

Comparative effect of cane syrup and natural honey on abdominal viscera of growing male and female rats

The high intake of refined sugars, mainly fructose has been implicated in the epidemiology of metabolic diseases in adults and children. With an aim to determine whether honey can substitute refined sugars without adverse effect, the long-term effects of natural honey and cane syrup have been compared on visceral morphology in growing rats fed from neonatal age.

Honey increased the caecum and pancreas weights in male rats, which could enhance enzymatic activities of pancreas and digestive functions by intestinal microflora of caecum.

Villi growth reviewed from each group

Unlike honey, cane syrup caused fatty degenerations in the liver of both male and female rats. Honey enhanced intestinal villi growth, and did not cause pathology in the rodents' abdominal viscera, suggesting potential nutritional benefit as substitution for refined sugars in animal feed.
Arrows point to fat droplets in liver of cane syrup-fed subjects

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