This amazing study confirms that keeping bees and consuming bee products can prolong life! DNA results show chromosomes lengthen rather than shorten over time for beekeepers and for those who consume bee products. So, if you haven't eaten honey, bee pollen, propolis or royal jelly today, then it's time to start. Live longer with Apitherapy!
The relationship
between telomere length and beekeeping among Malaysians
AGE, June 2015, 37:58
The belief that beekeepers live longer than anyone else is
present since ages. However, no research has been done to explore the longevity
of life in beekeepers. Here, we investigated the telomere length in 30 male
beekeepers and 30 male non-beekeepers and associated them with the longevity of
life using Southern analysis of terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) generated
by Hinf I/Rsa I digestion of human genomic DNA using TeloTAGGG Telomere Length
Interestingly, we found that the telomere length of male beekeepers was
significantly longer than those of male non-beekeepers with a p value of less
than 0.05, suggesting that beekeepers may have longer life compared to
non-beekeepers. We further found that the consumption of bee products for a
long period and frequent consumption of bee products per day are associated
with telomere length. An increase of year in consuming bee products is associated with a mean increase in telomere length of 0.258 kbp. In addition, an increase
in frequency of eating bee products per day was also associated with a mean
increase of 2.66 kbp in telomere length.
These results suggested that bee
products might play some roles in telomere length maintenance.