Friday, September 30, 2011

Horse Wounds Treated with Manuka Honey

Wounds heal better with honey and many studies confirm this, from horses to dogs to people...

A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Manuka Honey on Second-Intention Healing of Contaminated Wounds on the Distal Aspect of the Forelimbs of Horses
VeterinarySurgery, 20 Sept 2011

To determine the effect of manuka honey on second-intention healing of contaminated, full-thickness skin wounds in horses.

One wound was created on the dorsomedial aspect of the third metacarpus in both forelimbs, contaminated with feces, and bandaged for 24 hours. Bandages were removed and wounds rinsed with isotonic saline solution. Wounds on 1 limb had manuka honey applied daily (n = 8) whereas wounds on the contralateral limb received no treatment (n = 8). Bandages were replaced and changed daily for 12 days, after which treatment stopped, bandages were removed, leaving wounds open to heal. Wound area was measured 24 hours after wound creation (day 1), then weekly for 8 weeks. Overall time for healing was recorded. Wound area and rate of healing of treated and control wounds were compared statistically.

Treatment with manuka honey decreased wound retraction and treated wounds remained significantly smaller than control wounds until day 42; however, there was no difference in overall healing time between treatment and control wounds.

Treatment with manuka honey reduced wound area by reducing retraction but did not affect overall healing time of full-thickness distal limb wounds using this wound-healing model.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bee Venom Provides ‘Collective Immunity’ for Hive

a significant finding... Could this explain the consistency of all the bee products to possess antimicrobial properties?... 

Beyond the Antipredatory Defence: Honey Bee Venom Function as a Component of Social Immunity
Toxicon, 2011 Sep 10

The honey bee colonies, with the relevant number of immature brood and adults, and stable, high levels of humidity and temperatures of their nests, result in suitable environments for the development of microorganisms including pathogens.

In response, honey bees evolved several adaptations to face the increased risks of epidemic diseases. As the antimicrobial venom peptides of Apis mellifera are present both on the cuticle of adult bees and on the nest wax it has been recently suggested that these substances act as a social antiseptic device.

Since the use of venom by honey bees in the context of social immunity needs to be more deeply investigated, we extended the study of this potential role of the venom to different species of the genus Apis (A. mellifera, Apisdorsata, Apis cerana and Apis andreniformis) using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry techniques.

In particular we investigated whether (similarly to A. mellifera) the venom is spread over the body cuticle and on the comb wax of these three Asian species. Our results confirm the idea that the venom functions are well beyond the classical stereotype of defence against predators, and suggest that the different nesting biology of these species may be related to the use of the venom in a social immunity context.

The presence of antimicrobial peptides on the comb wax of the cavity-dwelling species and on the cuticle of workers of all the studied species represents a good example of "collective immunity" and a component of the "social immunity" respectively.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Treating Lyme Disease with Bee Venom Therapy

Numerous studies are being done with Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) for its effect against Parkinson's Disease, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis. I've also seen BVT used for scar therapy, mole removal, bone spurs, even pain relief!  Thanks to medical practitioners like Dr Klinghardt for incorporating BVT into a complementary treatment protocol .

The Treatment of Lyme Disease with Bee Venom
by Dietrich K. Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.
Apitherapy Review, Apitherapy Commission Apimondia 

Lyme disease has become, after AIDS, probably the fastest spreading infectious disease. "Classical" Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is passed to the patient by a tick bite. Since several other infections that cause similar symptoms can be transmitted by the same tick bite, and other infectious agents not transmitted by a tick can cause similar symptoms, the term "New Lyme Disease" is used by most holistic physicians. Lyme disease is not only a frequent underlying causal factor in chronic human illness, but also extremely common in pets, especially in dogs and horses.

The following microorganisms have to be considered when making the diagnosis of "New Lyme Disease."

Borrelia burgdorferi;
Babesia microti (a protozoan intracellular invader);
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (associated with MS, ALS, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia);
Chlamydia pneumoniae;
Bartonella henselae;
Rickettsia rickettsiae.
The following symptoms can be caused by Lyme disease:

Chronic Fatigue (more severe in the early afternoon);
Lack of endurance;
Non-healing infections in the jaw bone, devitalized teeth, dental pain;
Joint pains (especially in the spine);
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity;
Cranial Nerve Problems:
- Facial nerve: Bell's palsy (60% are caused by Lyme disease, 30% by one of six common viruses from the herpes family, such as EBV, Herpes simplex type I, type II, type 6 etc);

- Trigeminal nerve: sense of vibration in the face, TMJ and facial pain, headache, tension and cramps in the face/skull/jaw;

- Ears (VII, VIII): tinnitus, vertigo, and hypersensitivity to noise;

- Eyes (II, III, IV, VI): decreasing and changing eye sight (fluctuates during the day), light sensitivity, floaters;

- Vagus (X), Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) and Hypoglossus (XII): difficulty swallowing, faulty swallowing, reflux, hiatus hernia, heart palpitations, supraventricular arrythmias.
CNS problems:
- Physical: epileptic seizures, insomnia, tremor, ataxia, movement disorders (torticollis, etc.);
- Emotional: irritability (key symptom in children), depression, bi-phasic behaviour (manic-depression), bouts of anger, listlessness;
- Mental: confusion, difficulty thinking, poor short term memory, increasingly messy household and desk, difficulty finding the right word, feeling of "information overload;"
- Mixed pictures: can resemble or imitate any known psychiatric illness.
Peripheral nervous system problems:
Paraesthesia, burning, vibration, numbness, shooting pains.
Pelvis: interstitial cystitis, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, loss of libido, pelvic pain, menstrual disorders.
Immune system failure: with all known secondary illnesses such as herpes virus infection, intestinal parasites, malaise.
General symptoms: hair loss, loss of zest for life, sensitivity to electric appliances.

Laboratory Testing

Until recently laboratory testing has been unsatisfactory with a detection rate of probably below 30%. In the past it was believed the laboratory evaluation of the spinal fluid was a reliable way to confirm or refute the diagnosis of Lyme disease. This has been proven wrong. The test with the broadest detection rate, the Western Blot ELISA test, has low specificity. The test with the highest specificity but with a fairly low detection rate was the PCR test. The B. burgdorferi is a master at evading the body's immune system and evading laboratory detection by modulating and changing its surface antigens. It can form a cystic stage, which is resistant to antibiotics, evades laboratory detection, and gives birth to healthy spirochetes once the antibiotics are discontinued.

A new test has become available recently: the C6 Lyme Peptide ELISA test (BBI Clinical Laboratories, Tel.: 1-800-866-6254 or 860-225-1900, test code: 556 - C6LPE. The test is based on the discovery of six peptides on the surface of the spirochete, which are consistently present and do not evade detection by the laboratory as many of the other surface antigens of B. burgdorferi do. This test detects all B. burgdorferi strains and genospecies. It is highly specific and more sensitive than conventional tests for chronic Lyme disease. It is also sensitive in early Lyme disease (which used to be problematic) and can be used for accurate antibody results for Lyme vaccinated patients.


Treatment has often been unsatisfactory in spite of correct diagnosis. Multiple antibiotic regimes have been tried with varying successes. The cystic stage responds only to one antibiotic: metronidazole (Flagyl). This drug should be given intravenously. The oral version is less effective and hard on the liver. It should always be given together with the herb "milk thistle" because of its liver-protective effect. A less toxic alternative is tinidazole, a Flagyl-derivative that is available in compounding pharmacies.

I use proteolytic enzymes for the purpose of breaking up the cyst wall and making the dormant form of B. burgdorferi inside the cyst vulnerable to both the host's immune system and the medications given for treatment.

Dosage: Wobenzyme, 8-10 tablets three times/day between meals and first thing a.m.

Treatment protocols using antibiotics are outlined in the website of J. Borrescano, MD: I use, in selected cases, a combination of azithromycin or clarithromycin 250-500 mg two times/day in combination with trimethoprim 100 mg twice/day for 6-8 weeks.

My preferred treatment is a combination of enzymes, herbs, specific transfer factors and the injection of honeybee venom.


I follow the recommendations of Dr. Zhang, MD, LAc of New York (
His special garlic extract with a high concentration of Allicin:

2 mg Allicin/kg of bodyweight per day for 6 months; HH (Houttuyniae Herba):
3 tablets three times/day for 6 months.

His special Artemesia (wormwood) combination: 1-2 tablets three times/day for 6 months
(usually recommended when Babesia is involved).

In addition I use the specific herbal combinations from the Monastery of Herbs in Los Angeles
(Tel.: 818-360-4871). These are very effective 18-day programs. I use Autonomic Response
Testing to determine the most effective combination.
I rotate different regimes over the 6-month treatment period.

Specific Transfer Factors
When a pregnant cow is infected with a certain illness, her first milk (colostrum) after the calf is born contains specific peptides that prevent the illness in the calf. Based on this principle, specific transfer factors have become available for the treatment of B. burgdorferi, Babesia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae etc.
Most readily available are oral capsules with dried peptide extracts (Chisolm Biological Laboratory,
Tel.: 803-663 9618 / ext. 9777). By adding the specific transfer factors into the treatment regime, the success rate can be dramatically increased.

To be continued …


Books, Booklets and Literature
Beck, B. F., MD (1997) The Bible of Bee Venom Therapy. Health Resources Press, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, USA, book, ISBN 1-890708-03, pp. 238. Reprint of the original 1935 edition of Dr. Beck: Bee Venom Therapy - Bee Venom, Its Nature, and Its effect on Arthritic and Rheumatoid Conditions. (available from Apitronic Services: Tel.: 604-271-9414)

Broadman, J., MD (1997) Bee Venom - The Natural Curative for Arthritis and Rheumatism. Health Resources Press, Silver Spring, MD, USA, book, ISBN 1-890708-01-3, references, index, glossary, foreword by Harold Goodman, DO, pp. 224 (available from Apitronic Services: Tel.: 604-271-9414)

Klinghardt, D. K., MD (1990) Bee Venom Therapy for Chronic Pain. The Journal of Neurological & Orthopedic Medicine & Surgery, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 195-197

Klinghardt, Dietrich, MD (1999) Treatment Protocol for Bee Venom Therapy. Apitherapy Education Service - Apitronic Services, Richmond, BC, Canada, booklet, 11 pp.

Lubke, L. L. and Garon, C. F. (1997) Bee Stings as Lyme Inhibitor. J. Clin. Infect. Diseases, July, 25 Suppl. 1, pp. 48-51

Marinelli, Rick, ND and Klinghardt, Dietrich, MD (1999) Methodology for Injectable Bee Venom Therapy. Apitherapy Education Service - Apitronic Services, Richmond, BC Canada, 12 pp.

Mraz, Charles (1994) Health and the Honeybee. Queen City Publications, Burlington, VT, USA, ISBN 0-9642485-0-6, pp. vii+92 (available from Apitronic Services: Tel.: 604-271-9414)

American Apitherapy Society, Inc., 5390 Grande Rd., Hillsboro, OH 45133 USA, Tel.: 937-364-1108, Fax: (937) 364-9109, e-mail:, web page:

American Academy of Neural Therapy, Inc., 410 East Denny Way, Suite 18, Seattle, 98122 USA, Tel.: 206-749-9967, Fax: 206-723-1367, e-mail:, web page:

Internet Resources:
American Academy of Neural Therapy, Inc.
Bee Venom Therapy Supplies and Books

Apitherapy Bookshop

Apitherapy Reference Database

Bee Venom Therapy Supplies and Books Bee venom products and therapy related books, literature and Apitherapy Education Service.
Apitronic Services
9611 No. 4 Road
Richmond, BC
Canada, V7A 2Z1
Ph./Fax: 604-271-9414

Conversion Table 0.10 ml = 0.10 cc0.60 ml = 0.60 cc 0.20 ml = 0.20 cc0.70 ml = 0.70 cc 0.30 ml = 0.30 cc0.80 ml = 0.80 cc 0.40 ml = 0.40 cc0.90 ml = 0.90 cc 0.50 ml = 0.50 cc1.00 ml = 1.00 cc

Thanks to the Apitherapy Commission for reprinting this article. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Honey Effective in Management of Bed Sores

This supports other clinical cases of healing bed-ridden patients with chronic pressure ulcers, such as CHU, a Hospital in Limoges France, where they found Thyme honey to be most effective in healing stubborn wounds. For 25 years, they've treated thousands of cases of post-operative wounds and bed sores.

Use of Medihoney as a Non-Surgical Therapy for Chronic Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord, 20 Sept 2011

Study design: Prospective, observational study of 20 spinal cord-injured (SCI) patients with chronic pressure ulcers (PUs) using Medihoney.

Objectives: To determine the effects of Medihoney by bacterial growth, wound size and stage of healing in PUs.

Methods: We treated 20 SCI adult patients with chronic PUs using Medihoney. In all, 7 patients (35%) were female, and 13 (65%) were male. The average patient age was 48.7 years (30-79). In all, 6 patients (30%) were tetraplegic and 14 (70%) were paraplegic. Also, 5 patients (25%) had grade IV ulcers and 15 patients (75%) had grade III ulcers according to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.

Results: After 1 week of treatment with Medihoney, all swabs were void of bacterial growth. Overall 18 patients (90%) showed complete wound healing after a period of 4 weeks, and the resulting scars were soft and elastic. No negative effects were noted from the treatment using Medihoney. No blood sugar level derailment was documented.

Conclusion: The medical-honey approach to wound care must be part of a comprehensive conservative surgical wound-care concept. Our study indicates the highly valuable efficacy of honey in wound management and infection control as measured by bacterial growth, wound size and healing stage.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Postmenopausal Women Boost Memory with Malaysian Tualang Honey

Congratulations Malayasian researchers for your continued research into the benefits of apitherapy...

Improvement in Immediate Memory After 16 Weeks of Tualang Honey (Agro Mas) Supplement in Healthy Postmenopausal Women

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the verbal learning and memory performance of postmenopausal women who received tualang honey (Agro Mas) in comparison with women receiving estrogen plus progestin therapy and untreated controls.

METHODS: A total of 102 postmenopausal women were recruited and randomly assigned to three groups: tualang honey (20 mg/d), estrogen plus progestin therapy (Femoston 1/5), and untreated control. Their verbal learning and memory performances were assessed using the Malay version of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test before and after 16 weeks of intervention. Data were analyzed using the repeated-measures analysis of variance, and a P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.

RESULTS: There were significant differences in the mean scores of total learning as well as the mean scores of trials A1, A5, A6, and A7 between the three groups. There were also significant differences in the overall mean scores of total learning and trials A1 and A5 between both estrogen plus progestin therapy and tualang honey groups when compared with the untreated control group. However, significant differences in the mean score for trials A6 and A7 were only observed between the estrogen plus progestin therapy and untreated control groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Postmenopausal women who received tualang honey showed improvement in their immediate memory but not in immediate memory after the interference and delayed recall. This is comparable with the improvement seen in women receiving estrogen plus progestin therapy.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Royal Jelly Improves Cognitive Function and Memory

a concise summary of numerous studies...  Is Royal Jelly the solution for other deficiencies?... 

Improve Cognitive Function and Memory with Royal Jelly

By William Rudolph for Apitherapy Commission of Apimondia
Royal jelly is one of the most nutritionally complex foods on the planet with the ability to shore up many nutritional deficiencies and may help people overcome conditions they may have been dealing with for years. Royal jelly is also highly regarded for its brain-boosting capabilities. Whether you are a young student looking for an edge on an exam, a CEO with tremendous demands on your time, or have received the devastating diagnosis of Alzheimer`s disease, royal jelly may be able to deliver remarkable results.

Royal Jelly and the Acetylcholine Connection

Royal jelly is a creamy substance produced by the common worker bee; one of the purposes is of developing and nourishing the queen bee. On this diet of royal jelly, the queen bee will typically grow to be 40 percent larger and can live up to 40 times longer than the worker bee. Royal jelly isn`t just food for the queen bee, it`s her longevity strategy.

Royal jelly`s structure and composition has not, so far been replicated by man in any lab. The only lab capable of producing such a substance is the bee hive. This superfood is rich in protein, loaded with B vitamins, and contains many other minerals and nutrients. One of the key ingredients in royal jelly that may have profound implications for improving memory and invigorating mental acuity is acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter discovered. It is found in the brain, spinal cord, and throughout areas of the nervous system. It regulates memory and is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Interestingly, royal jelly is the only natural source of pure acetylcholine. Optimal levels of acetylcholine in the brain are associated with improved memory, fluidity of thought, and enhanced cognitive function.

Implications for Alzheimer`s Disease

Part of the wonderful symmetry of nature is its ability to deliver a formidable solution equivalent to virtually any problem you encounter. Though conventional medicine has not found a cure for Alzheimer`s disease, royal jelly may offer substantial benefits. Alzheimer`s disease is a progressive, degenerative, neurological disease that is thought to be irreversible. It usually afflicts people after the age of 65 and is the fourth leading cause of death among adults. The pathology of Alzheimer`s disease includes the presence of extracellular plaques (clusters of dead and dying nerve cells) and intracellular "neurofibrillary tangles" (twisted fragments of protein within nerve cells). These plaques and fibrous entanglements in the brain disrupt lines of communication and inhibit the production of acetylcholine. This leads to loss of memory, anxiety, irritability, and difficulty in expressing thoughts.

Most traditional treatments pursued by Western medicine try to increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain of the Alzheimer`s patient. These drugs attempt to raise the levels of acetylcholine by inhibiting the enzymes that lead to the breakdown or degradation of acetylcholine. Royal jelly, however, can raise levels of acetylcholine without the side effects often associated with the use of medications, such as nausea and liver toxicity.

Initially when looking at royal jelly as a brain-boosting strategy, it may appear cost prohibitive. Keep in mind that this gift from the hive is truly one of the elite superfoods available anywhere. It is also highly potent and concentrated, so a little goes a long way. It can be found in its traditional, jelly-like form and ingested directly. Also, modern advances in formulation technology have made it available now in a freeze dried, powdered form that is perfect for mixing with smoothies or adding to a homemade sports drink.


William Rudolph is a natural health enthusiast who enjoys researching and learning about natural health approaches and strategies, longevity techniques, and natural ways of achieving peak performance

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Royal Jelly Protects Kidneys, Liver from Anti-Cancer Treatments

New research from Turkish researchers confirm the protective properties of Royal Jelly against damage caused by anti-cancer therapies. Could this be new ground towards complementary alternative therapies? 

Royal Jelly Modulates Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Liver and Kidneys of Rats Treated with Cisplatin

Cisplatin (CDDP) is one of the most active cytotoxic agents in the treatment of cancer and has adverse side effects such as nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. The present study was designed to determine the effects of royal jelly (RJ) against oxidative stress caused by CDDP injury of the kidneys and liver, by measuring tissue biochemical and antioxidant parameters and investigating apoptosis immunohistochemically.

Twenty-four Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups, group C: control group received 0.9% saline; group CDDP: injected i.p. with cisplatin (CDDP, 7 mg kg(-1) body weight i.p., single dose); group RJ: treated for 15 consecutive days by gavage with RJ (300 mg/kg/day); group RJ + CDDP: treated by gavage with RJ 15 days following a single injection of CDDP. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels, glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were determined in liver and kidney homogenates, and the liver and kidney were also histologically examined.

RJ elicited a significant protective effect towards liver and kidney by decreasing the level of lipid peroxidation (MDA), elevating the level of GSH, and increasing the activities of GST, GSH-Px, and SOD. In the immunohistochemical examinations were observed significantly enhanced apoptotic cell numbers and degenerative changes by cisplatin, but these histological changes were lower in the liver and kidney tissues of RJ + CDDP group. Besides, treatment with RJ lead to an increase in antiapoptotic activity hepatocytes and tubular epithelium.

In conclusion, RJ may be used in combination with cisplatin in chemotherapy to improve cisplatin-induced oxidative stress parameters and apoptotic activity...

Recently, royal jelly (RJ) has received particular attention because of studies that have reported that it is a highly efficient antioxidant and has free radical scavenging capacity [4, 15]. Royal jelly is a secretion produced by the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera). It contains many important compounds with biological activity such as free amino acids, proteins, sugars, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins [16]. So far, RJ has been demonstrated to possess several physiological activities in experimental animals, including vasodilative and hypotensive activities [17], the induction of decrease in serum cholesterol levels [18], antimicrobial [19], antiallergic [20], anti-inflammatory [21], immunomodulatory [22, 23], and antioxidant properties [16]. In addition, Kanbur et al. [24] revealed the protective effect of RJ against paracetamol-induced liver damage in mice.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Special Discount Promo: Beekeepers - Apiculteurs - Apicultores

Promote and protect honeybees with Propolina, the propolis vaporizer that attracts and promotes your products. Rely on the pleasant scent of propolis to:

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3) boost your immune system! 

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Bee Venom May Help Treat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and ALS

bee venom therapy has been used for arthritis, scar therapy, even used to remove moles.

Effects of Bee Venom on Glutamate-Induced Toxicity in Neuronal and Glial Cells


Bee venom (BV), which is extracted from honeybees, is used in traditional Korean medical therapy.

Several groups have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effects of BV in osteoarthritis both in vivo and in vitro. Glutamate is the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Changes in glutamate release and uptake due to alterations in the activity of glutamate transporters have been reported in many neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

To assess if BV can prevent glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity, we examined cell viability and signal transduction in glutamate-treated neuronal and microglial cells in the presence and absence of BV. We induced glutamatergic toxicity in neuronal cells and microglial cells and found that BV protected against cell death. Furthermore, BV significantly inhibited the cellular toxicity of glutamate, and pretreatment with BV altered MAP kinase activation (e.g., JNK, ERK, and p38) following exposure to glutamate.

These findings suggest that treatment with BV may be helpful in reducing glutamatergic cell toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Research Center on Apitherapy Planned for UK

promising news for complementary and alternative medical practitioners worldwide....

Study of bees may be medicinal honeypot

13 September 2011; Yorkshire Post

The next time you feel tempted to swat a bee, consider this fact:

You are attacking a flying pharmacy.

Mankind has mistreated bees for centuries, and our ignorance means we’ve lost the chance to eradicate a host of lethal diseases.

With help from a team of Yorkshire-based bee lovers, we could be about to get a second chance.

Entrepreneur James Fearnley plans to establish a centre in the North York Moors which will study how bees can improve our health.

Mr Fearnley predicts that the centre will create 10 jobs in the heart of the National Park, at a time when the public sector spending squeeze is making life harder for rural communities.

Mr Fearnley, who is the founder of Whitby-based Nature’s Laboratory, believes it would be the height of folly to take bees for granted. His company is behind the BeeVital brand, which develops products derived from bees.

The long term survival of the honey bee is in question while researchers are discovering some “astounding medicinal properties for products produced by honey”, according to Mr Fearnley.

Everyone now knows about the antibiotic properties of honey, but we have discovered that bees are collecting a chemical antidote to Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) but only in areas where sleeping sickness is found,’’ he said.

“In tropical areas, where bees are seriously challenged by micro bacteria, they are collecting material that is highly effective against MRSA.”

If Mr Fearnley’s initiative succeeds, Yorkshire could become a global centre for the study of bees.

He said yesterday: “Our vision is to develop an international focus for the better understanding of the medicinal values of bee products, or apiceuticals as we call them...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Conférences sur l’Apithérapie à Lyon 8 oct 2011

Samedi 8 octobre 2011
Lyon, France
pour plus d'info:

9h à 12h00 Table ronde sur le thème de « l’évolution de l’alimentation au cours de l’histoire de l’homme et l’intérêt de l’apithérapie dans le contexte induit dans les changements alimentaires » elle sera animée par Patrice Percie du Sert et Daniel Bersot. (Accès gratuit)
12h00 à 14h30 Vin d’honneur et Repas
14h30 à 15h Accueil du public pour les conférences
15h à 16h Conférence : « Synthèse scientifique de la composition et des propriétés biologiques du miel selon leurs origines florales »
Conférence scientifique, vulgarisée et ponctuée d'humour sur les bienfaits du miel. Composition, principes actifs et applications thérapeutiques générales du miel, ainsi que les différences entre les miels en termes de composition et de propriétés biologiques selon leurs origines florales. Tout au long de la conférence, les applications du miel seront illustrées par des exemples concrets de produits commerciaux et de publications scientifiques choisis à travers le monde.
Benjamin POIROT, Docteur en Biochimie et Biotechnologie, codirigeant et responsable recherche & développement Apinov, membre du comité d’experts scientifique de l’AFA, membre de la chambre des experts agrées Communauté Européenne.
16h à 16h30 Pause
16h30 à 18h Conférence : « Petites pathologies hivernales (grippe, gastro-entérite et ORL) les possibilités de l'apithérapie et des autres médecines naturelles »
Présentation à partir du travail élaboré en février 2011 par le groupe initiation à l'apithérapie (promo 2009-2010)
Rappels cliniques, les pièges à éviter, l'apithérapie, mais aussi l'aromathérapie, la phytothérapie, l'homéopathie la MTC.
Docteur Stéphane SAMMUT, Docteur en Médecine Générale orientation pédiatrique, membre du comité d’experts scientifique de l’AFA.
18h à 18h30 Démonstration : Massage au miel
Docteur Stefan Stangaciu et Catherine Ballot Flurin.
20h à 22h00 Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire et Ordinaire
(Accueil des membres à jour de leur cotisation annuelle 2011 et les personnes invitées par le président du conseil d’administration.)

Monday, September 12, 2011

AAS Apitherapy Course & Conf - New Orleans, Nov 4-6 2011

an intensive, learning experience designed to increase your knowledge and use of Apitherapy...

The American Apitherapy Society proudly announces its 2011 Charles Mraz Apitherapy Course & Conference to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana Nov 4-6 2011. For the first time ever we are offering 2 course levels, one for those new to apitherapy and the other for those who are already familiar with or are already practicing apitherapy.

Medical doctors, a spectrum of holistic health practitioners, veterinarians, researchers, backyard beekeepers, and members of the general public interested in self-reliant health care will convene from all over the United states and the world to learn about apitherapy.  Apitherapy, an ancient healing modality, refers to the therapeutic use of products from the beehive: honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and bee venom therapy

Attendees will receive education on basic and more advanced levels on the products of the hive and their therapeutic properties including a hands on bee venom therapy workshop where participants can obtain practical experience with this healing practice.  Presentations are given by the CMACC faculty who are some of the most prominent and experienced Apitherapists in the country.  Examples of material covered in these presentations are allergic reactions, techniques of BVT, informed consent and legal issues, propolis and cancer, veterinary apitherapy, patient intake for apitherapy, and much more.  An exam is given to ascertain comprehension of the material in the course and certificates of completion will be issued.

The AAS is a nonprofit membership organization established for the purpose of education about apitherapy.  CMACC has been named in memory of Charles Mraz, an American pioneer in the use of bee venom to treat diseases.

Visit where with a single click you can access all CMACC information, register and pay online.  Don’t miss out on the EARLY BEE DISCOUNT by making sure you register by Friday, September 23rd. Do join us for the Friday night dinner to network with others and experience the New Orleans cuisine. Don’t forget to mention AAS when booking your hotel room in order to receive a special rate valid until October 6th. Membership to AAS is included with  the course fee.

Contact:  American Apitherapy Society


2011 Charles Mraz Course and Conference (CMACC)
November 4-6, 2011
The Inn on Bourbon
541 Bourbon Street, New Orleans, LA  70130
1-800-535-7891 or 504-524-7611