Tuesday, January 31, 2012

APIS Séminaire d'Apithérapie en Suisse, 24 Mars 2012

Association Suisse d’Apitherapie annonce le Séminaire de Printemps

Samedi 24 mars 2012
à la Salle communale de 1042 Bioley-Orjulaz (Vd)
de 9h00 à 16h45

De la mythologie à l’utilisation domestique et thérapeutique des six produits de la ruche 

Animé par M. Christophe Perret-Gentil, botaniste, zoologiste, fondateur et directeur de l’Herboristerie Ariès, thérapeute et enseignant sur les sujets suivants:

- Apis et le Taureau sacré
- Le caractère désintéressé de l’Abeille
- Modèle d’un paysage favorable à l’Abeille & l’Homme
- Les Plantes bio-indicatrices mellifères gage de qualité d’un paysage apicole
- L’hexagone curatif & le cristal de roche
- Apithérapie : les fonctions vitales entre anabolisme et catabolisme

Atelier pratique :
- fabrication d’un baume à base de cire d’abeilles
- critères à prendre en considération pour l’emplacement d’un rucher (terrain) 

Prix du séminaire
Membres ASA = Fr 40.-. Couples ASA = Fr 70.-. 
Non membre = Fr 80.-. Repas de midi en plus = Fr 25.-.

Jusqu’au 3 mars 2012 par mail, courrier ou téléphone auprès d’un membre du comité ou sur le site www.apitherapie.ch

Anti-Tumor Properties Found in Iraqi Propolis

The anti-tumor properties of Propolis continue to be discovered in more diverse geographical locations. Fortunately, its effects are consistently proven very positive and very complementary with other treatments.

Assessing the Anti-tumour Properties of Iraqi Propolis in vitro and in vivo

► We selected one propolis extract with highest cytotoxic effects on different cancer cell lines. 
► We have investigated the chemical composition in quantitative manner by using HPLC-ESI-MS. 
► We have elucidated the cell cycle perturbations induced by propolis compound M. This is the first study that investigated cell cycle perturbations induced by M using BrdU/DNA assay.

The study was designed to evaluate anti-tumour properties of Iraqi propolis collected from Mosul region (M) on HL-60 and HCT-116 cell lines and on HCT-116 in vivo. 
M induced an inhibitory effect against the proliferation of HL-60 and colony potential of HCT-116 cells. The apoptosis in HL-60 cells was associated with down-regulation of Bcl-2 and activation of Bax, while in HCT-116 cells, necrotic features were observed; size of cells was dramatically increased by swelling of cytoplasm and loss of membrane integrity, cell rupture and release of cellular contents. 
Analysis of BrdU/DNA cell cycle in both cell lines showed that M induced cell cycle perturbations in both BrdU positive and BrdU negative cells. The exposure of HL-60 to M caused γ-H2AX in a dose dependent manner and was associated with induction of apoptosis
The experiments in HCT-116 tumor-bearing mice showed that oral administration of propolis at doses that caused no detectable toxicity was associated with a decrease in mitotic cells and an increase in endoreduplications, increased p53 and decreased Ki-67 expression of cells in tumor sections. 

This study provides the rationale to investigate the potential beneficial effect of propolis in the diet of patients receiving anti-cancer therapies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

German Apitherapy Congress and Expo, April 20-24 2012

These events are highly informative and strongly recommended for everyone interested in natural medicine. This 10th Annual is recognized worldwide for a great blend of theory, clinical field presentations and hands-on practicums. An intensive week of therapeutic knowledge in a beautiful city... 

10th Annual German Apitherapy Congress and Api-Expo
April 20 - 24 2012 
Passau, Germany 
The 10th Annual German Apitherapy Congress and Api-Expo will be held in the IBB Hotel and Convention Center in Passau, Germany. 

There will be workshops for Apitherapy beginners held before and after the Congress. All events are bilingual in English and German

The predominant themes of the Congress are:

- Prevention and Treatment of Modern Civilization Diseases with Bee Products
- Apitherapy in the daily practice

Guest speakers and Authors include professors, physicians, therapists, veterinarians, microbiologists from Egypt, Ecuador, Germany, Japan, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia.

Visit the German Apitherapy Association website for more information and news of the Congress. Specific questions may also be addressed to Dr. Stefan Stangaciu via email: drstangaciu@gmail.com

For hotel accommodations, visit the IBB Hotel website.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Honey Wound Care Products Available for Veterinarians

Apitherapy for animals? Why not. It's been used for years. But now, with the prevelance of antibiotic resistant bacteria continuing to mount along with the over abundant use of antibiotics in our food chain, it's good that honey is included in the doctor's apothecary...

New sterile medical-grade Manuka Honey products launch at NAVC Conference.

IRVINE, Calif., Jan 09, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Links Medical Products Inc. (LMP) announced they will present their new medical-grade Manuka honey dressings, for use in advanced veterinary wound care, at the 2012 NAVC veterinary conference in Orlando, FL.

Made with 100% active medical-grade Manuka honey, the products provide veterinarians with dressings to help manage and treat animal wounds and burns and to speed healing.

Extensive research demonstrates medical-grade Manuka honey offers bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to promote accelerated wound healing. And the high osmotic activity of Manuka honey maintains a moist wound healing environment and helps clean and debride wounds while controlling malodors*...

"Our products are made with 100% active medical-grade Manuka honey, never a mix of honey," states Tom Buckley, Links Medical's CEO. "It's harvested exclusively from hives dedicated to bees that pollinate the Manuka bush (a species known as Leptospermum scoparium) native only to New Zealand."

Great care is taken to ensure the new LMP wound care products meet the highest standard of purity and bioactivity. LMP's brand of medical-grade Manuka honey is finely filtered to remove all processing particles and sterilized by gamma irradiation to eliminate bacteria, microorganisms, and spores. Gamma irradiation assures the honey retains its biologic activity.

* Extensive bibliography available upon request.

SOURCE: Links Medical Products Inc

Friday, January 20, 2012

Honey Suppresses Mutagenic Pathways in E.Coli

Encouraging news for beekeepers worldwide harvesting monofloral honeys... Encouraging news for hospitals worldwide with antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli...

Suppression of Error Prone Pathway is Responsible for Antimutagenic Activity of Honey

Honey, both unifloral (Syzygiumcumuni) and bifloral, demonstrated strong antimutagenicity against physical (UV, γ) and chemical (Ethylmethane sulfonate) mutagens as ascertained by rpoB/RifR and Ames tests.

The effect of honey was evaluated in radiation (UV or γ) exposed E. coli cells for SOS response, a well known error prone repair pathway known to significantly contribute to mutagenicity by quantifying LexA repressor level, measuring cell filamentation frequency, and prophage induction by SIVET (Selectable – In - Vivo Expression Technology) assay. LexA was almost completely degraded, phenotypically long filamentous cells (30 μm) were formed, and SIVET induction frequency was increased in radiation exposed E. coli cultures, however these changes were significantly inhibited in presence of honey confirming its strong antimutagenic nature. Further, rpoB/RifR mutation frequency upon UV exposure in E. coli recA- cells was found to be negligible, whereas, E. coliumuC- and umuD- knockouts showed comparatively higher mutation frequency. Honey did not show any effect on mutagenesis in these knockouts, indicating the SOS dependence of the observed mutagenesis.

Honey was also found to suppress EMS induced mutagenesis but through SOS independent mechanism.

Phenolics present in honey were found to be one of the important factors contributing to the antimutagenicity of honey.

  • Pollen analysis indicated commercial Indian honey as unifloral and bifloral.
  • It showed broad spectrum antimutagenicity by Ames and E .colirpoB/RifR tests.
  • Honey suppressed E. coli SOS response, an error-prone repair process.
  • Error-prone repair is one of the major causes of mutagenesis.
  • Honey inhibited LexA degradation, cell filamentation and prophage induction.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is Propolis Safe, Alternative Medicine?

When you look at the extremely low incidence rate of negative reactions, it begs the question, why isn't it more prevelant?  The source of Propolis is important when wanting to take advantage of specific bioflavonoid activity. But generally speaking, the consistent properties of propolis as an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic agent are inherently safe.

Is Propolis Safe as an Alternative Medicine?

Propolis is a resinous substance produced by honeybees as defense against intruders. It has relevant therapeutic properties that have been used since ancient times. Nowadays, propolis is of increasing importance as a therapeutic, alone or included in many medicines and homeopathic products or in cosmetics

Propolis is produced worldwide and honeybees use the flora surrounding their beehives for its production. Therefore its chemical composition may change according to the flora. The phenolic and volatile fractions of propolis have been revised in the present study, as well as some of the biological properties attributed to this natural product. An alert is given about the need to standardize this product, with quality control. This has already been initiated by some authors, mainly in the propolis from the poplar-type. Only this product can constitute a good complementary and alternative medicine under internationally acceptable quality control

Propolis is a heterogeneous product constituted by several groups of compounds. Moreover, the chemical composition depends strongly on the phytogeographic characteristics of the collection site, as honey bees can only use the plant species existing in their habitats. Their chemical variability can give rise to diverse types of biological activities or diverse structures may present similar properties. Therefore, to make a standardization and quality control of this product is very difficult, particularly if we take into account the quantification of the active substances. Popova et al. [67] have proposed to specify multiple standards for different propolis types according to their plant source and corresponding chemical profile. Popova et al. [141] has already made a standardization for the poplar-type propolis from Europe, Asia, and Americas. More recently, Popova et al. [67] have validated a spectrophotometric method for the quantification of prenylated flavanones in the 'Pacific' propolis from Taiwan. In addition, it is necessary to connect a particular chemical propolis type to a specific type of biological activity for formulating recommendations for the practitioners. Only by following this scheme will it be possible for people to choose and make more efficient use of the beneficial properties of propolis, in respect to complementary and alternative medicine. [142]

In spite of propolis being commonly used in cosmetic and medicinal preparations owing to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anesthesic properties, it is not completely innocuous because 1.2 to 6.6 patients who were patch-tested for dermatitis were sensitive to propolis. The main allergens were 3-methyl-2-butenyl caffeate and phenylethyl caffeate, that is, components present in the poplar-type propolis. [143] Clinical allergy in humans is presented as contact dermatitis or oral mucositis, beekeepers being the most affected. Nevertheless there has been a recent rise in this incidence among biocosmetic users, on account of the increasing popularity of natural products such as propolis. [144] According to these authors, patients with an allergy to propolis may be at risk of cross-sensitization with balsam of Peru, a common allergen found in flavoring agents, perfumed products, certain spices, and products that contain the peel of citrus fruit.

Therefore, propolis is a complex natural product with a great diversity of chemical structures and subsequent biological activities, nevertheless, it is not completely innocuous and care must been taken, mainly when such a product has a great diversity of origins. An absence of quality control may be pernicious to human health.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Apithérapie: Médecine d'Avenir, Thérapie de toujours et d'aujourd’hui

Conférence en France sur l'Apitherapie qui va montrer comment on peux vivre mieux avec les produits des abeilles...
French Apitherapy conference showing how we can live better with products from the beehive...

Samedi 21 et dimanche 22 janvier 2012 à Lille             
Premier Colloque International Francophone d’Apithérapie
plus d'infos: afacontact@gmail.com

9h à 9h30 Ouverture du colloque et présentation de la revue d’apithérapie par l’AFA et l’UNAF
Dr Albert BECKER, Docteur en médecine générale, président de l’AFA, président du CETAM (Centre Technique Apicole de Moselle)

9h30 à 10h L’homme et l’abeille
Henri CLÉMENT, apiculteur professionnel, porte parole de l’UNAF

10h à 10h30 La grippe, intérêt de la propolis par son action anti-virale
Nicolas CARDINAULT, Docteur en nutrition, Directeur de Recherches

11h à 11h30 Plaie : Cicatrisation par le miel
Dr Albert BECKER, Docteur en médecine générale, président de l’AFA, président du CETAM

11h30 à 12h Présentation des effets attendus des pro-biotiques de la ruche, entre autre rectocolite hémorragique et maladie de Crohn
Patrice PERCIE DU SERT, ingénieur en agriculture, apiculteur et président d'une entreprise de fabrication de produits de la ruche

14h à 15h30 Les abeilles aux services de la santé de l’Homme, une belle économie pour la santé
Professeur Henri JOYEUX, Professeur de cancérologie et chirurgie digestive à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier

15h30 à 16h Les différentes méthodes pour l'analyse de la qualité de la propolis (sublimation, HPLC, colorimétrie, etc.)
Alain BEKAERT, Pharmacien et Maître de Conférence à la Faculté de pharmacie de Paris

16h30 à 17h L’action anti-cancéreuse directe et indirecte de la propolis
Nicolas CARDINAULT, Docteur en nutrition, Directeur de Recherches

17h à 17h30 Les différentes méthodes de récolte de la propolis

17h30 à 19h Une table sur « la médecine par les abeilles, l’apithérapie en question »

9h à 9h30 Quel avenir pour l’apiculture ?
Henri CLEMENT, apiculteur professionnel, porte parole de l’UNAF

9h30 à 10h Prévention et traitement des intolérances/allergies/choc anaphylactique au venin d'abeilles

10h à 10h30 Gelée royale de qualité et thérapie
Professeur Eberhart BENGSCH, Docteur en Sciences, biochimie, virologie, apidologie, Institut Max Planck, Munich (Allemagne) ; Vice-président de l’AFA, expert mondialement reconnu concernant la gelée royale et ses effets antiviraux.

11h à 11h30 Le venin d'abeille médicament : le paradoxe d'un poison qui soigne 
Dr Claude NONOTTE-VARLY, Allergologue, Médecin libérale et attaché des hôpitaux de Hyères et à Ste Anne de Toulon

11h30 à 12h Analyse biologique et chimique des produits de la ruche (application médicale) expérience du CETAM
Dr Albert BECKER

14h à 17h L’apithérapie dans le monde aujourd’hui ouvert au grand public - Accès gratuit

15 à 17h Ateliers pratiques : Massage au miel, Api-Cosmétique, Digitoponcture, Réflexothérapie avec crèmes à bases de produits d'abeilles, Préparation des produits d'abeilles

14h à 15h30 Les abeilles aux services de la santé de l’Homme, une belle économie pour la santé
Professeur Henri JOYEUX, Professeur de cancérologie et chirurgie digestive à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier

15h30 à 16h Les différentes méthodes pour l'analyse de la qualité de la propolis (sublimation, HPLC, colorimétrie, etc.)
Alain BEKAERT, Pharmacien et Maître de Conférence à la Faculté de pharmacie de Paris

16h30 à 17h L’action anti-cancéreuse directe et indirecte de la propolis
Nicolas CARDINAULT, Docteur en nutrition, Directeur de Recherches

17h à 17h30 Les différentes méthodes de récolte de la propolis

17h30 à 19h Une table sur « la médecine par les abeilles, l’apithérapie en question »

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Honey Used to Heal Foot Mouth Disease in Cattle

Apitherapy is often used as an essential protocol in regions of the world lacking other treatments. However, the antibacterial properties of honey can be used everywhere, even in hospitals and clinics... 

AFJTCAM, 2011, Vol 8

An outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) affecting 95 (57.2%) out of 166 cattle occurred in a medium-scale dairy farm in Kikuyu district, Kenya. Ethnoveterinary remedies of natural Soda ash solution (97% sodium bicarbonate), honey and finger millet flour were used to manage the FMD lesions. 

The lesions were washed with soda ash solution to remove the necrotic tissue after which raw honey and finger millet flour were applied to the cleaned lesions. The lesions were examined daily and those with necrotic material washed again with the Soda ash solution. Honey and finger millet flour were applied daily for three days. There was rapid healing of the lesions with the animals resuming feeding after three days. 

The fast healing of the lesions vindicates the use of these cheap, locally available and easy to apply products in the management of FMD lesions. However, more studies are needed to evaluate further their potencies.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bee Venom Therapy Helps Manage Chronic Pain

The Monmouth Pain Institute in Red Bank, New Jersey has been successfully using injectable bee venom for treating chronic pain in human patients for the past 20 years... 

Repetitive Treatment with Diluted Bee Venom Reduces Neuropathic Pain Via Potentiation of Locus Coeruleus Noradrenergic Neuronal Activity and Modulation of Spinal NR1 Phosphorylation in Rats
Journal of Pain, 2012 Jan 2

We previously demonstrated that a single injection of diluted bee venom (DBV) temporarily alleviates thermal hyperalgesia, but not mechanical allodynia, in neuropathic rats.

The present study was designed to determine whether repetitive injection of DBV produces more potent analgesic effects on neuropathy-induced nociception and whether those effects are associated with increased neuronal activity in the locus coeruleus (LC) and with the suppression of spinal NMDA receptor NR1 subunit phosphorylation (pNR1).

DBV (.25 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously twice a day for 2 weeks beginning on day 15 post-chronic constrictive injury surgery. Pain responses were examined and potential changes in LC Fos expression and spinal pNR1 expression were determined. Repetitive DBV administration significantly reduced mechanical allodynia, as well as thermal hyperalgesia. The activity of LC noradrenergic neurons was increased and spinal pNR1 expression was significantly suppressed by repetitive DBV as compared with those of vehicle or single DBV injection. These suppressive effects of repetitive DBV on neuropathic pain and spinal pNR1 were prevented by intrathecal pretreatment of idazoxan, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonist.

These results indicate that repetitive DBV produces potent analgesic effects on neuropathic pain and this is associated with the activation of the LC noradrenergic system and with a reduction in spinal pNR1.

The results of current study demonstrate that repetitive administration of DBV significantly suppresses neuropathic pain. Furthermore, this study provides mechanistic information that repetitive treatment of DBV can produce more potent analgesic effect than single DBV treatment, indicating a potential novel strategy for the management of chronic pain.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cuban Monofloral Honey Shows High Antioxidant Activity

We need more studies on the advantages of monofloral honeys. This is precisely what was done for Manuka Honey and we now see its worldwide acceptance into main stream medical and veterinary usage...

Radical-Scavenging Activity, Protective Effect Against Lipid Peroxidation and Mineral Contents of Monofloral Cuban Honeys

Several monofloral Cuban honeys were analyzed to determine their free radical-scavenging activity and from this the total antioxidant content was estimated. The protective effect against lipid peroxidation in an in vitro model of rat liver homogenates was evaluated and, lastly, the mineral content of the honeys, which can be related to the maintenance of intracellular oxidative balance, was determined.

The scavenging capacities against hydroxyl and superoxide radicals were determined using the spin-trapping technique and the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase assay, respectively. Lipid peroxidation was evaluated through the production of TBARS and hydroperoxides. All honeys tested showed potential antioxidant activity with Linen vine displaying the highest scavenging capacity towards the DPPH, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, while the least efficient was Christmas vine honey. Honeys also inhibited, in a concentration-dependent mode, lipid peroxidation in rat liver homogenates, with Linen vine resulting the best while the least effective was Christmas vine honey.

The ability to scavenge free radicals and protect against lipid peroxidation may contribute to the ability of certain Cuban honeys to help in preventing/reducing some inflammatory diseases in which oxidative stress is involved. A total of eight minerals were identified and quantified as follows: cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, iron, manganese, lead, and zinc. Minerals found in higher concentrations were iron, zinc and manganese.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Honey Protects Against Effects of Radiation Therapy

Honey is hygroscopic, therapeutic and heals damaged skin tissue. While the reviewers are still looking deeper into the cause, honey is recommended by therapists worldwide...

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Use of Honey to Protect from the Effects of Radiation-Induced Oral Mucositis
Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 2012 January, Volume 25

Recently, 4 separate human controlled trials reported that honey appeared to protect from the effects of radiation-induced oral mucositis formation, a complication of radiation therapy that is responsible for pain and overall reduction in quality of life.

In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the authors examined 3 of these controlled trials (n = 120) that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria to determine whether honey had protective effects against radiation-induced oral mucositis. The meta-analysis demonstrated an overall relative risk reduction of 80% in the honey treatment group compared with the control. Although favorable, the data must be approached with caution because of lack of description of the method of randomization and potential bias in all 3 of the individual studies included in the meta-analysis.

The results are promising and further studies are needed to strengthen the current evidence prior to a firm clinical recommendation being given.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Propolis, Abundant Source of Beneficial Effects for Human Health

A molecular review on the rich spectrum of beneficial properties found in Propolis... 

Beneficial Effects of Propolis on Human Health and Neurological Diseases
Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite Ed), 2012 Jan 4

Propolis is a natural product, collected by honeybees Apis mellifera, from various plant sources. Propolis is extensively used in foods and beverages because it improves human health. It contains more than 300 natural compounds such as polyphenols, phenolic aldehydes, sequiterpene-quinones, coumarins, amino acids, steroids and inorganic compounds.

Propolis exhibits a broad spectrum of biological and pharmacological properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antitumor, anticancer, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective actions. The chemical composition and beneficial properties of propolis vary greatly depending on the phytogeographical areas, seasonal collection time, and botanical source. Polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables are beginning to receive increased attention due to their vital role in protecting neural cells from oxidative stress and neuroinflammation associated with normal aging and chronic age-related diseases.

Propolis is one of the most abundant sources of polyphenols (mainly flavonoids and phenolic acids). This overview is an attempt to discuss the molecular mechanism underlying the potential beneficial effects of propolis on human health and neurological diseases...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Propolis May Help Treat Asthmatic Children

CAPE, a predominant compound found in propolis, has been identified to possess other important capacities:
 - antiviral (König and Dustmann, 1985)
 - anti-inflammatory (Bankova et al., 1983) 
 - antimetastatic activity against mammary carcinoma (Bašic et al., 1997)
 - anti-bacterial activity on gram-positive & negative micro-organisms (Villanueva et al., 1970, Cizmarik & Matel, 1970, 1973)

The Immunoregulatory Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on the Cytokine Secretion of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Asthmatic Children
Pediatrics and Neonatology, Volume 52, Issue 6, December 2011, Pages 327-331

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways for which current treatments are mainly based on pharmacological interventions, such as glucocorticoid therapy. Our objective was to study the immunoregulatory effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE, a phytochemical synthesized from propolis) on cytokine secretion of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from asthmatic children.

PBMCs from asthmatic children (5.5 ± 3.3 years old, n = 28) and healthy children (5.6 ± 2.8 years old, n = 23) were co-cultured with CAPE in vitro with and without phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-ionomycin.

Our results show that predominant interleukin 4 (IL-4) and interferon-gamma secretion of cultured supernatant were detected in healthy donors compared with asthmatics. In the presence of phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-ionomycin, with or without CAPE treatment, the asthmatic children showed significantly decreased levels of IL-10 secretion compared with the healthy controls. However, CAPE significantly decreased IL-10 and interferon-gamma in healthy donors. There was a slight but not statistically significant reduction of IL-4 secretion in CAPE-treated PBMCs compared with untreated control PBMCs from the healthy children. Our data also shows that CAPE significantly enhanced transforming growth factor-beta 1 production from PBMCs from asthmatic children.

The immunoregulatory effects of CAPE on human PBMCs may be through the induction of regulatory T cells, as evidenced by the enhanced transforming growth factor-beta 1 production from PBMCs from asthmatic children in our study.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Honey Has Anti-Diabetic Effect, Contains Oligosaccharides

Already recommended for Type 1 Diabetics, Honey is good food and good medicine! Oligosaccharides, simple sugars found in honey, are also good for the healthy flora in our intestines...

Oligosaccharides Might Contribute to the Antidiabetic Effect of Honey: A Review of the Literature
Molecules, 2011 Dec 28;17(1):248-66 
Evidence shows that honey improves glycemic control in diabetes mellitus. Besides its hypoglycemic effect, studies indicate that honey ameliorates lipid abnormalities in rats and humans with diabetes. The majority of these studies do not examine the mechanisms by which honey ameliorates glycemic and/or lipid derangements.

The gut microbiota is now recognized for its ability to increase energy harvest from the diet and alter lipid metabolism of the host. Recently available data implicate a causal role of these gut microbes in the pathophysiology of obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus.

In this review, we present some of the latest findings linking gut microbiota to pathogenesis of obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus. The review also underlines data that demonstrate the beneficial effects of oligosaccharides on various abnormalities commonly associated with these disorders.

Based on the similarities of some of these findings with those of honey, together with the evidence that honey contains oligosaccharides, we hypothesize that oligosaccharides present in honey might contribute to the antidiabetic and other health-related beneficial effects of honey.

We anticipate that the possibility of oligosaccharides in honey contributing to the antidiabetic and other health-related effects of honey will stimulate a renewed research interest in this field...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Propolis Protects Against Liver Damage

The natural protector, Propolis, proves once again it's an undeniably healthy choice to consume regularly...

Protective Effects of Propolis Extract on Allyl Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury in Mice
Phytomedicine, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 1997, Pages 309-314

Potential protective effects of ethanolic extract of Cuban red propolis against toxicity induced by allyl alcohol in mice was investigated.

Propolis at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/i.p. significantly decreased the activity of alanine amino transferase (EC in serum and the levels of mal-ondialdehyde in mouse liver after induction with a dose of 64 mg/kg of allyl alcohol. However, propolis did not increase the concentration of reduced glutathione in mouse liver which is depleted by allyl alcohol. Propolis also reduced liver damage induced by allyl alcohol in mice. This effect was observed by electron microscopy.

The hepatoprotective effects of propolis were dose-dependent and they were produced when propolis was administered 30 min before allyl alcohol administration.

It is indicated that the ethanolic extract of red propolis exerts potential hepatoprotective effects in this experimental model which is probably caused by antioxidative properties (e.g. scavenging action against oxygen radicals) of this extract.

First Int'l Turkish Honey Bee Congress & Expo, Feb. 22- 26

For those in the European Union, this expo sounds like a great chance to visit a beautiful country for a very important topic with lots of workshops to serve each interest...

The First Turkish Congress, Expo and Workshops on Honey and Honeybee Products with International Participation

22-26th February 2012
Kayseri, Turkey

Registration is open at:

*Early registration fees apply before 15 January 2012 (extended)
*Deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2012

Attn: Beekeepers, Apitherapists, Scientists and friends of honeybees,

The First Turkish Congress, Expo and Workshops on Honey and Honeybee Products* is scheduled to be held at the Erciyes University, in Kayseri, Turkey between 22th and 26th February 2012.

The congress will bring together international scientists interested in all aspects of honey bee products and apitherapy.

The Congress will feature internationally recognized invited speakers: 
 >Dr. Stephan STANGACIU (President of Apitherapy Consulting & Trading
 >Prof. Vassya BANKOVA (Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 
 >Prof. Ahmed HEGAZ (Microbiology and Immunology in the National Research Center, Egypt), 
 >Prof. Osman KAFTANOLU (Arizona State University)

Stands for advertising of products of companies in the honey and honey product sector shall be placed in the exhibition area throughout the congress. This would lead to new business and research opportunities between members of the honey sectors and researchers.

There will also be a poster competition at the congress to encourage scientific activity of young scientists. First, second, and third places will be awarded with a certificate and a cheque.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bee Venom Antimicrobial Peptide Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Honey bee products deserve further funds to uncover these important discoveries which continue to elevate the merits of Apitherapy. For example, the statistically low cancer rate found in beekeepers worldwide, not to mention the reports of Bee Venom Therapy in treating numerous conditions ranging from Alzheimer's Disease to Parkinson's Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Consequences of Alteration in the Leucine Zipper Sequence of Melittin in its Neutralization of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Response in Macrophage Cells and Interaction with Lipopolysaccharide

Bee venom antimicrobial peptide, melittin, besides showing versatile activity against microorganisms neutralizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced pro-inflammatory responses in macrophage cells.

However, how the amino acid sequence of melittin contributes in its anti-inflammatory properties is mostly unknown. To determine the importance of the leucine zipper sequence of melittin in its neutralization of LPS-induced inflammatory responses in macrophages and interaction with LPS, anti-inflammatory properties of melittin and its three analogues and their interactions with LPS were studied in detail.

Two of these analogues namely, melittin Mut-1 (MM-1) and melittin Mut-2 (MM-2) possess leucine to alanine substitutions in the single and double heptadic leucine residue(s) of melittin respectively while the third analogue is a scrambled peptide (Mel-SCR) which contains the amino acid composition of melittin with minor rearrangement in its leucine zipper sequence.

Though MM-1 partly inhibited the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in RAW 264.7 and rat primary macrophage cells in the presence of LPS, MM-2 and Mel-SCR were negligibly active. A progressive decrease in interaction of melittin with LPS, aggregation in LPS and dissociation of LPS aggregates with alteration in the leucine zipper sequence of melittin was observed.

Further, with alteration in the leucine zipper sequence of melittin, these analogues failed to exhibit cellular responses that are associated with neutralization of LPS-induced inflammatory responses in macrophage cells by melittin.

The data indicated a probable important role of the leucine zipper sequence of melittin in neutralizing LPS-induced pro-inflammatory responses in macrophage cells as well as in its interaction with LPS…

Though further studies are required in understanding the role of this motif in these molecules, the data probably indicate that one can design anti-LPS or LPS-binding molecule based on this structural element.